Monday, September 21, 2020

Dear person behind me

Dear person behind me, 

I understand that all of our walks of life look different. I know sometimes it seems like we’re dealt the most unfair cards, and sometimes it’s your whole life that seems like it’s one negative thing after the next. I understand that I don’t understand what you’ve been through. I know there’s some days that you feel like you’ve barely made it through. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to not have it even slightly figured out. And I understand no matter how much you try do right, sometimes you still can’t win for losin. But, I have some good news for you. 

Dear person behind me,

I want you to know, despite what you’ve been through and what you’ve done, how much you are loved, and if you don’t feel like you’re loved, I love you. Life is full of rejections. And I want you to know, Jesus doesn’t reject you. In fact, He chooses you, even in your broken state. And you know what? We’re all broken. I am broken. The people who seem like they have all together, they don’t. We allow people to see what we want them to see. And you may not understand Jesus’s love for you but He loves you too. My prayer is that He constantly teaches me to love people. I don’t have to know you personally to love you, the fact that Jesus loves you is enough for me to love you. I promise you that everything you’ve been through is your testimony and Jesus can meet you where you are. I don’t have the answers as to why you’ve been through things, but I know that Jesus can deliver you and make your heart whole again. I may not know what you need, and you may not know either, but Jesus does. 

Dear person behind me, 

No matter what you’ve done, you’re still worthy. Jesus calls you chosen. He calls you child. You are forgiven. He loves you. I may have not have been through what you have but I still have my struggles too. Big or small struggles Jesus wants to help you through it all. Not too long ago, I found myself weeping at the altar. Momma Mel looked at my tear filled eyes and I heard Jesus speak straight through her, she said,” Faith look at me, YOU are enough. Do you hear me? YOU are enough.” That’s something I had never shared with her, but had struggled with for years. And I’m here to tell you, that you are enough too. Even on your worst day, you’re still more than enough. Jesus will fill all those holes and spaces. There’s nothing in this world that can fill that. People chase things that are so temporary trying to fill that hurt that only Jesus can fill. 

Dear person behind me, 

Let Jesus be your peace. Things may be hard right now. But I promise you, they will get better. If no one tells you today, I want you to know you’re loved. And you’re worthy of love. You’re not overlooked. Today will be a great day, and if it’s not, tomorrow is a new day and there’s plenty of opportunities for something good to happen. 

Dear God, I pray that the person reading this just knows how special they are. And if they don’t, I pray you place people in their path to remind them. This world is so full of negative, remind them of the good. Remind them that you are good. Apart from you, we have no good thing. I pray that you fill them with your love. I pray you meet them in their mess and their storm. I pray you take their hand and guide them. I pray you fill them with your peace and comfort. Lord, I pray that if what you need is for us to go through storms, that you give us an understanding heart that you’re trying to teach us something. Change our hearts and our perspective. You’re not trying to be mean or hurt us, but that it’s a lesson we need to learn. You’re the teacher. You’re the healer. I pray you make hearts whole again. I pray you fight for our hearts when we forget how to fight. I pray you help us seek you and not other things that leave us feeling empty. Thank you for the good and bad we experience, I pray you use it all for your glory. Amen. 

It’s not over, keep going. 

With love,

The person in front of you 

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