Sunday, September 21, 2014

Overused? Never.

I know some people think there are many words overused, which has totally lost its meaning "love" being the main one people think of first. I don't expect everyone to agree with me on this, but I don't think it's used enough with meaning behind it. If you know me, you will know I tell people I love them and embrace them with a huge bear hug eveytime I see them. "HUG ME BROTHA"- Drake and Josh reference. I love love LOVE people and God has taught me to do that. I am so passionate about people and I love to love. I truly believe that is a gift from God. Everyone has their gift from God some may have the awesome gift of singing, which is absolutely not mine, but that is a gift. My mom always told me growing up, "A smile could change someone's day." And she's right. (Women are always right aren't they? ) But that is an action of love. Love is more than words, it's an action. I don't think anyone could ever get tired of knowing they're loved. And when I continually say "love" I am not referring to the romantic way, I am talking about the brother and sister love through Christ. Jesus has truly taught me to love strangers, so please don't be startled if I ever tell you I love you, believe me when I say that I know no stranger. Now I wouldn't willingly go up to a random person and scream I loved them, but if God told me to go tell that person that they're loved, by all means I'd do it. You never know what a person is going through, and by letting them know you love and appreciate their existence and what they do for you, just might be what they needed to hear to get through the day. One of my favorite songs says, " When we love someone, we're the evidence in you." God is love and He shows us how to do that. "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8 I have the mindset that tomorrow is never promised, and no matter how angry I am at someone, I want them to know that I love them,and I never want to end things on a bad note. My ultimate goal before I die is to let people know I love them and that Jesus does too.

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