Friday, September 26, 2014

Where's my Prince Charming?

Your first thought when reading this is probably that I'm about to write about how God has a perfect person and I feel like I can't find mine...well that's not what this is about at all. I understand that I'm very young to be talking about "love." But  God has definitely given me knowledge about some very important information in the topic of love. So saying that...
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1Timothy 4:12.
Finding that perfect person, who isn't perfect but perfect for you is awesome.  And I'm sure that God does put two people together and they're awesome for eachother and grow in their spiritual walk together. I hope and pray that God blesses with me a man of God that really does love God, and Loves God MORE than me. We all crave that person. I know I sure do. Now here is when I'm about to "get real" with you. Not everyone is suppose to be with someone. Shocker? I know. And no I'm not trying to be negative. One of my favorite quotes from the amazing movie "Finding Normal" says, "I think I could spend the rest of my life by myself and be completely happy, but I'd rather I didn't." And that's something that has been glued in my mind. You can't constantly focus on searching for this someone to spend the rest of your life with. If you constantly search for love you're missing the whole true definition of love, God. God is love. 
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8
The best way to find love is to find God.  And I completely understand the thought of getting lonely but if God is uour main source of love, He will keep you company. We're suppose to be madly in love with God. I was at a Women's Confress and one of the speakers literally says God is her husband. She was THAT devoted. And she is still single. She's single in flesh but not in spirit. I'm not saying this to discourage you because God could bless you with someone to spend the rest of your life with. I'm saying don't focus only on that. Because everything God does, He does it right in in time. Don't go out searching for Mr. Prince Charming, because He could bless you with someone even better, a man of God and if you're a guy reading this, a woman of God. Either way your life turns out keep in mind that God is more than enough for us. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Apologizing for most people is one of the hardest things to do. I mean seriously, who likes to admit they're wrong? And on some occasions just apologize to smooth things over just so the disagreement will cease. Something one of my best friends told me, is how she was raised, is when you apologize you apologize for what YOU did. You don't bring up what the other person did, because you've done your part. It's up to the other person to apologize. Something that's always been hard for me is when I apologize, I want an apology back. And sometimes I didn't get one and never did. I've learned.. I have to be OKAY with that. A forced apology means nothing because they didn't mean it! When you were younger and your parents made you apolgize, did you honestly mean it? I know I didn't. What you have to understand is that it doesn't make you less of a man or woman to admit you're in the wrong. It makes you more of a man or woman . 
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
You can't control what other people do, but you can control what you do. 

If Tomorrow Never Comes

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the song "If Tomorrow Never Comes" by the amazing Garth Brooks, it's not a Christian song but It's awesome. Anyways, the song has nothing to do with what I'm about to post except the lyrics in the song "if tomorrow never comes will she know how much I love her." You never know when someone's last day is, and in the Bible it talks about how short life is. If you think about how fast time flies anyways, you blink and yesterday ends up being last year or even a couple of years ago. It's kinda scary actually. People argue over such silly things and get angry so fast, and end conversations on such bad notes. And most of the time no matter how angry you are, you still love hem. Two things. 
1." ...Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. And do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27 
2. "Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered- how fleeting my life is." Psalm 39:4 
Two huge things we need to keep in mind. God even tells us that our life is short on earth. A while back my mom ran across an old couple who had been together a little over 50 years. My mom asked her what her secret was and her response was," Never go to bed angry." Our time on earth is so so short and don't ever think "I'll just fix things tomorrow" because tomorrow is never promised for you or anyone else.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Who do you wanna be?

One of the last things I want to hear when I'm upset is....take a guess... Godly advice. What? I know, crazy huh? I get so frustrated when one of the people closest to me starts telling me about God while I'm upset. But you know what? That's when I need it the most no matter how much I don't think so. When I'm angry for example, I'm letting the devil have control of me. All that time I spend angry, I'm missing opportunities in my life I'll never get back when I could be happy. God brings joy, peace, laughter, happiness, and so much more. If I would look to Him in my discomfort and my sadness as much as I do everything else in life I'd be a lot happier and handle things differently. So when I say I need it the most when I don't want to hear it, I need my focus re-directed to what matters more than anything in this world, God. I have to remember that God can bring me peace while I'm in these crazy storms of life. "I have told you these things that in me you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world!" John 16:33. He already says that's we're going to have trouble and obstacles we are going to have to face! We will. And we have to look at them in a positive attitude. I, for one, definitely struggle with this, but I know that I'm going through it for a reason. I know that God wouldn't make make me go through heart ache for no reason. Everything you go through in life is to help you prepare for what you'll face in the future and shape you into who God intends for you to be. It's up to you whether you become who God intends you to be or whether you become bitter. That may sound harsh but who you become in this life is entirely up to you.

Why do we face trials?

Many people wonder why people have to suffer and endure things that hurt us and others. And that if you have such a loving God why does He allow bad things to happen? Well this is the answer I've found. "Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death.But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises dead." 2 Corinthians 1:9
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of ALL comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
If we didn't face troubles, what would be the point of God? God allows things to happen to show us we can't go through this life alone.

All the proof I need.

When people say, "How can you trust a book written from so long ago?" Ok. God told the many writers of the Bible what to say. He literally spoke through them. Newsflash the things in the Bible are still going on today. Real world events that are going on today and the ones that will happen in the future, God has ALREADY warned us about, so yeah I will believe and live by a book that was written from so long ago.

Redefining Beautiful.

The world has such a stupid standard view of what beauty is, which makes the female population feel discouraged, insecure, and leads girls to constantly compare themselves to other girls. The worldview on anything is straight up messed up. But everyone in all honestly listens to it at some point in their life. STOP. God's view is so much better. Who cares what people think? God's opinion is what's going to matter on judgement day. So why care what people say? God doesn't look... at appearance, He looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7. He describes what real beauty is in Proverbs 31 & 1 Peter 3:3-4. We get so caught up in comparing ourselves and seeing all these beautiful people and forget to look in the mirror and see, we in fact are beautiful too. Stop looking at the imperfections. They make you, you. You're flawless. Song of Songs 4:7. Fall in love with you.

Overused? Never.

I know some people think there are many words overused, which has totally lost its meaning "love" being the main one people think of first. I don't expect everyone to agree with me on this, but I don't think it's used enough with meaning behind it. If you know me, you will know I tell people I love them and embrace them with a huge bear hug eveytime I see them. "HUG ME BROTHA"- Drake and Josh reference. I love love LOVE people and God has taught me to do that. I am so passionate about people and I love to love. I truly believe that is a gift from God. Everyone has their gift from God some may have the awesome gift of singing, which is absolutely not mine, but that is a gift. My mom always told me growing up, "A smile could change someone's day." And she's right. (Women are always right aren't they? ) But that is an action of love. Love is more than words, it's an action. I don't think anyone could ever get tired of knowing they're loved. And when I continually say "love" I am not referring to the romantic way, I am talking about the brother and sister love through Christ. Jesus has truly taught me to love strangers, so please don't be startled if I ever tell you I love you, believe me when I say that I know no stranger. Now I wouldn't willingly go up to a random person and scream I loved them, but if God told me to go tell that person that they're loved, by all means I'd do it. You never know what a person is going through, and by letting them know you love and appreciate their existence and what they do for you, just might be what they needed to hear to get through the day. One of my favorite songs says, " When we love someone, we're the evidence in you." God is love and He shows us how to do that. "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8 I have the mindset that tomorrow is never promised, and no matter how angry I am at someone, I want them to know that I love them,and I never want to end things on a bad note. My ultimate goal before I die is to let people know I love them and that Jesus does too.

March 2, 2014

What you're about to encounter is an 18 year-old expressing her thoughts and beleifs. Be prepared to come across an extremely huge amount of grammatical errors.So today, I watched the movie Son of God. Let me just say, I have never balled my eyes out so much. Good grief I cried. Watching that 1.made me realize how UNWORTHY I am 2. He went through ...ALL of that for me?? WHAT 3. I need to get my butt in gear and express God's love and tell people about how LOVING and ALMIGHTY MY God is!And yes, we all hear about Jesus went through this and that, but until you actually see a glimpse of what really happened and see the pain in the actor's eyes. Well duh he wasn't Jesus but he played very well. It made it life-like and made you really think. Dude, what if you really were there watching Jesus getting beat? What if you in Peter's shoes and walked with Jesus? He denied Jesus 3 times. Would you would have had faith strong enough to admit you were with Jesus and are His follower? Something to think about. Then it got me thinking about in our daily lives everyday. Would your fellow piers know you walk with Jesus? We're called to be Jesus' disciples.Sanctified-To be set apart. We can't be like the world and Jesus. It's one or the other.We live for Jesus, because He died for us.Now I am aware of the fact I, 18, senior in highschool, is babbling off. But I know there is so much I, we,can do with our lives. I know I want to do so much. I desire so much to live,with what little time I have on this earth to live for Jesus.Now I know some will be like,"what?! why would she say with what little time?" Hear me out. When I say that, think about it. You're a little kid sitting down watching Barney,you blink. You're now 20. Blink once more, you're 40, sitting in a recliner reading this. Life flies by. Which is whyI'm desperately shouting, I want to shake up this world,and tell everyone, HEY,YOU,JESUS LOVES YOU! You are so loved. By golly, I'm going to change the world. I want Jesus to wreck my world. Take what needs to go from me. Rid me of everything that's not bringing out the good in me.Make me more like HIM. Totally tear me apart and change me. Change my heart. We are so incredibly blessed you guys. Okay I'm done writting.You're all beautiful. Jesus and I love you. Goodnight. :) Thanks for reading this