Be kind to yourself today.
There are so many things you don’t talk about. There’s feelings that you push under the rug.
Be gentle with yourself.
You’re doing the best you can, even if that means just getting out of the bed. Go at your own pace.
You’re allowed to feel what you feel. It’s okay to be sad, just don’t stay there.
Be patient with yourself, baby steps are still steps.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know right now that you may only see darkness, but God is reaching out His hand for you to grab.
God didn’t bring you this far to leave you.
Hard times come to everyone’s door. It comes knocking, invites itself in. It comes and it wrecks you. It’ll overstay when no one even welcomed it in.
But God can use it. What the devil meant for evil God will use for good. And sometimes, it wasn’t the devil causing the hard time.
God allows hurt, pain, hard times, suffering-He uses those seasons in our lives-no it is not comfortable or something we willing want to experience- but He uses it for our own good. He is molding us more like Him. There are certain things we have to experience in our lives, that will make us change where we wouldn’t have otherwise. Sometimes we don’t learn just through reading the Bible. We learn faith by practicing it- not just reading out about. Sometimes we can only truly learn and trust God through the vehicle of suffering.
God is not a mean God and He doesn’t want you sad. But He does want you to fully rely on Him. Not on things and people of this world that is temporary. The Bible tells us that Jesus suffered and we will too.
But, take heart-Jesus has overcome this world. What you’re feeling won’t last. After a rain, there’s a rainbow. Storms only last so long. But we determine how long we stay in it. Trust God to mend those hurts. He will use even this, for His glory. Maybe someone else will face what you are currently facing and will need someone like you to help them through it. Be patient with yourself, after all He is patient with you too. He loves you and so do I.
So for now, if all you can do is cry and scream- and you can’t even get words out to pray-know that He hears those prayers too. Keep taking it one day at a time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
One day you will tell the story of how God brought you through this. Today may not be that day, and that’s okay- but it’s coming.
Believe that there are better days ahead. Hold on to hope and faith. Cling to His garment. With Him, you can always face hard things and know He will lead you through it.
With love,
Your sister in Christ