Thursday, June 4, 2015

Surrounded by believers

It's so important to have people who love Jesus surrounding you. It's so easy to drift away from God when you're not around people who crave him. What do you mean? I'm saying when you don't surround yourself with people who crave Jesus, it's easy to drift away from God. I've found myself in that situation. You become who you hang around. When you spend time with people you'll find yourself picking up some of their habits or some things they say. If you think about it, we've all done it or seen someone else do it. If you're not careful people can become distractions with your walk with Christ. Instead of going to church, you'll cancel and do something else because you just don't "feel like it" anymore when you used to love going. You lose interest. When you don't have people around you to encourage you to invest your time with Jesus, it's easy to drift away. By no means am I saying don't hangout with people who don't love Jesus! Always witness when the opportunity is granted! And you can be that person for someone else, just make sure you have that person for you as well.
I've been really struggling with my walk with  God lately, but thank God he picked me up! It's because of my accountability partners and my family of believers that redirected me when I had gone astray. I'm so incredibly thankful I have those people in my life. God is so good, when we aren't. He blesses us in so many ways. 

Real Christianity

This could never be said enough. When you're a true follower of Jesus, you love everyone because Jesus loves everyone. You don't always agree with every decision, but you love the person. That's the whole point in hate the sin, and love the sinner. And just incase anyone needs the reminder, we're all sinners. "For all has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. Not trying to step on any toes, but just because you haven't done anything terrible doesn't mean you haven't sinned. All sins are the same in the eyes of God, so be compassionate for others. The only one that should be judging us is the one who got us here in the first place. Granted, we judge unconsciously. Just because you think it don't mean you have to say it out loud. I pray that God gives me eyes that see people the way he does, and believe me when I say that he answers prayers.