Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lost Opportunities

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, so I decided to write about it. It's a shame that we're SO worried about the actions of what other people would do, so we refrain to act on something. What am I talking about? People hesitate to give money to the homeless because they think they will immediately will go buy drugs or alcohol. People don't give rides to people who are walking on the side of the rode because they're afraid that they would hurt them. Allow me to say that yes SOME people will do that, BUT not all people are bad. I could walk into a store and at the same time of me minding my own business, someone could come up and hurt me. Regardless of the situation, people will make their own choices. You can't do anything to prevent the actions of others, but you are responsible for your actions. One of my favorite quotes is by Anne Frank who was a victim of the holocaust. She wrote, "Inspite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart." Take that how you may, but to me someone that lived through the Holocaust and was able to say that...that speaks volumes. I understand that there are bad people in the world that will take advantage of people's kindness. Not all people are bad though. Not all people will take advantage. I believe whole heartedly that there are some people out there need help. And a lot of the people on the street statistically are our veterans. This whole point in me writing this is to say don't stop being kind or doing things for others because you have the fear that something bad will happen. This world is continuing to get worse, and I understand that. You have to be careful and take precaution and use good judgement.  But If God leads you to do something, do it. Don't miss out on an opportunity, God will protect you. I mean what if that was you on the street? You'd want someone to help you.  Have we really lost so much hope in humanity to not show an act of kindness? I'm not saying go pick up the next person you see on the road, but if you feel led to do it, by all means do it. That is a opportunity to witness to someone, and who knows you might be blessed too. The greatest blessings someone will ever get is by doing something for someone else. 

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..." Galatians 6:10