Sunday, October 12, 2014


Many times in life we come across the big question... "What is my purpose?" or maybe this one..."Why am I here?" You hit rock bottom, or maybe you just get lost in thought and you really are just wondering. If you're like me, I analyze just about anything in life that God throws my way. If a boy smiles at me my immediate thought was "wow ok did I have something on my face or in my teeth??? wait even worse..Dear God please don't tell me I had a party going on in my nose." That's just how I am! I'm human. I think that way. And it's okay to wonder. Some people get to the point of wondering why they're here that they hit rock bottom and don't see a way out, they get thoughts that they don't have a reason or purpose..and they take their own life. Life is so so precious and fragile. If God brings you here  ( which He brought us all ) YOU HAVE A PURPOSE. Did you hear me? YOU HAVE A PURPOSE. And honestly, the only way you will find your purpose is if you give your life to Him, because when you do that He will show you, IF you allow Him to. That's the beauty of it. You have to drop everything you're doing and take that leap of faith for a life you couldn't possibly ravel up even if you tried. One of the most famous verses my Sunday school teacher always said was in Luke. "Then He said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me.'"Luke 9:23.  I capitalize 'daily' because every day is battle. I say battle because we battle with sin everyday, there is something that we struggle with. You know yours and I know mine. That's something we have to wake up every morning and say "I won't let you have control over me." Every morning is a fresh start. Every choice you make determines the road ahead. If you get lost in all the temporary things in life : drugs, alcohol, sex, money, whatever it may be, it will not last. You will eventually get bored of it and constantly look for more and more, and it won't be there. You are looking for something that will make you happy and fill that void in all the wrong places. The best way to find love, happiness is God. He can fulfill the desires of your heart,and when you reach Him, His desires for you life become what HE wants for you. So when I say He will give you the desires of your heart, I'm not saying you pray for gold and you receive it  (which He could do that). The desires of your heart, become what God desires for you.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 And all of that brings me to this..Now as Christians do you ever notice how life gets rather.. difficult than non-believers? Not saying that people who don't believe always have it easier because that is not true by any stretch. Let me say this and I want to put this out there now and when you face trials keep this in mind..: THE devil DOES NOT CARE TO MESS WITH PEOPLE WHO ALREADY DO NOT BELIVE IN GOD BECAUSE WHY WOULD THEY IF LIFE IS GREAT THAT MEANS THEY WOULDN'T NEED FAITH. YOU NEED FAITH IN TOUGH SITUATIONS. That's what everything boils down to; faith. That also brings me to this..sometimes we go through things so we can help comfort others. A while back I went through something and I felt like NO ONE on this earth could possibly understand..welp.. My Momma did. She went through a VERY similar situation so she could help me! God puts us through things to 1. help mold us to who we need to be 2. help comfort others 3. help add disciples to His kingdom. Notice everytime we hit rock bottom God lifts our head and redirects us? Sometimes we need to be refocused on what's truly important. This is where faith comes in again.. when life takes a turn for the worst.. you start praying to a God you put on hold while you were living this great life and you finally realize... "wow I can't do this on my own." HELLO He's been there this whole time. That's something we all do, we leave God hanging, but when the going gets tough that's when we suddenly remember Him. God loves you so much. Don't put Him on a shelf when life is going great and decide to pick Him up when your world falls apart. He will always be there to pick up the pieces, but imagine if someone treated you that way. How would you feel?